Hi! I'm Dagmara.
Welcome! I'm so glad you found me. My passion is working with women and supporting them to become the best versions of themselves. Most often the woman is at the heart and centre of every home. Her pace and mood sets the mood of the home. When a woman is healthy, feels supported and thriving, her partner, family and closest circle thrive as well. Her marriage and relationships are peaceful and full of joy.
I am honoured to work with a variety of women and humbled to see the transformation that takes place. Stress melts. Radiance remains.
I am humbled by the testimonials of my work. Please read them if you would like to get a better understanding of what to expect.

It’s not that I wake up every morning thinking “I can’t wait to get on my mat and do my breathwork and meditation”.
I do it because I know that it is the quickest way to alter my state of being/my consciousness, be able to access my Higher Self and move with GRACE from that place every single day.
Breathwork is a hack.
It is the vehicle.
It’s really quite simple, when we are in that lower state of consciousness and operating from that place things just don’t flow for us.
If you find yourself...
In victimhood, gossiping, roped into dramas, in a proving energy, depressed, needy, codependent, overly sensitive, wallowing and self-pitying, bitter, self-doubting, people-pleaser, the good girl, low self-esteem, overly dependent, unable to stand on own two feet, resentful, doesn’t want to be happy, martyr, selfish, can’t stand other people’s happiness, manipulative, scheming, controlling, spiteful, unable to express her needs, insecure, puts everyone else’s needs ahead of her own, in thought compares self to others.*
there’s a good chance you are operating from a place of your lower self.
When I find myself in one of the above states, which rarely happens anymore, but sometimes it still does as I am human, it is an invitation for me to go deeper in my practice.
The trick is to alter/change our state of consciousness and to access our Higher Self.
Signs that you have altered your state and are standing in your power and operating from your Higher Self:
Compassionate, wise, in touch with her ability to heal, connected with nature and her seasons, sees herself as whole, loves unconditionally, fiercely protective of the planet and her children, sexual, wise, knows her power, intuitive, passionate, empathetic, understanding, healer, fertile, creative, abundant, in flow with the rest of life, provider of Mana/Prana/Energy, assertive, truth seeker, fills up her well, able to be supported, revered and adored by the masculine, able to express anger and passion.*
We do this through the breath.
Breathwork is the vehicle.
*sourced from Rise Sister Rise by Rebecca Campbell