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THrīv Retreat
(Friday evening, Saturday all day)
| $260* |
A wonderful workshop consisting of processes and applicable knowledge aimed at helping you eliminate physical and emotional stress and infuse you with energy. The workshop will focus on addressing problem areas in your life with the goal of getting you to move from surviving to thriving.
THrīv w/ Autoimmune
(Friday evening, Saturday all day)
| $260* |
A powerful workshop consisting of the same processes and content as the Thriv Retreat with a particular focus on living with autoimmune disease and the unique challenges that it brings.
Private Coaching
(By appointment)
| Free initial consultation - 30 min|
| $65 per session - 60 min|
One on one custom tailored sessions.
* The Bring a friend promotion - for a limited time, the registration fee allows you to bring a friend with you to participate in the entire workshop at no additional charge.
* All workshops are held on the island of Oahu (in Hawaii).
On hold due to COVID-19
On hold due to COVID-19
Contact Me
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